2nd Floor, Seminar Hall, Jalvihar Guest House IIT Bombay
Introduction to the course:
With increase in industrial activities to fulfill the basic needs, the freshwater demand is rising. As a consequence, wastewater generation is also likely to increase significantly. The situation in developing nations like India becomes more alarming due to the shortage of good quality water in surface and sub- surface sources. In a sustainable society, it is imperative to protect natural resources and the surrounding environment by adopting efficient wastewater treatment processes. In order to encourage industries for taking appropriate measures to reduce freshwater demand partly by recycling treated wastewater, the regulations for water abstraction and wastewater discharge are becoming more stringent. The wastewater streams generated from process industries are contaminated by a variety of toxic and non-biodegradable inorganic and/ or organic pollutants which often require advanced treatment processes to make wastewater suitable for recycling. The choice of treatment strategy largely depends upon wastewater characteristics and the desired quality of treated wastewater.
Hence, this short course is designed for professionals working in industries to provide insight into developments in effluent treatment for promoting recycling of wastewater. The lectures will cover conventional and advanced treatment processes for industrial effluents. Various resource recovery options from the treated wastewater will be discussed. Apart from this, management of hazardous waste from the industries will also be discussed.
- To give an overview on Overview of Wastewater generation from Oil Industry, Waste hierarchy, existing treatment processes and relevant regulations
- To discuss physico-chemical and biological treatment processes for industrial effluent
- To provide insight into advanced treatment methods to improve wastewater recycling potential
- To discuss resource recovery using advanced treatment methods
- To discuss hazardous sludge management in the refineries
- To discuss air pollution control (particularly VOCs) in petroleum industry
- To discuss case studies and identification of gaps and future prospects
By the end of this course participants will be able to:
- Understand the petroleum wastewater characteristics, its nature and regulatory requirements
- Identify suitable treatment strategy for the waste (aqueous and solid both) streams
- Understand applications and limitations of various advanced treatment processes (such as advanced oxidation, membrane, ion exchange etc)
- Understand the air pollution abatement processes
Click below to get the course syllabus and schedule:
(Note: All the training courses listed on this website are exclusively for nominated employees of the PSU members of CoE-OGE)